The important thing is the object, the Diabolo: It has changed. The indestructible plastic bowls have become fragile, made of ceramic. When they fall to the ground, they break. The key thing to do is watch, and not rush. Is something happening? When? How? The space is important: the interaction, the observation, perhaps even meeting. The object is foremost: it has been taken apart, reassembled, reinvented and it develops a life of its own.
Julian Vogel has been working on his "CHINA SERIES" for five years.
During the festival he will show some of his installations
and performances as a coherent exhibition in the
Forum Schlossplatz.
Various plates, screwed together like diabolos, roll, flow, rumble, from right to left across the stage. Each plate could be a figure, a character, it could tell a story, and it could be either a clownish or a tragic story.
30 Minutes | 20.– / 15.–
10.6: 20.30 | 11.6: 21.00 | 12.6. 21.00
Bühne Aarau, Tuchlaube
Creation, performance Julian Vogel Lighting and stage design Savino Caruso Artistic support Roman Müller Graphic and design Laurence Felber Production Ute Classen